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A study on School Safety Policies by an Needs Analysis  

Oh, Dae-Young (가천대학교)
Shin, Seon-Hi (한국학교교육연구원)
Park, Youn-Ju (한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원)
Kim, Kyung-Hwoi (성신여자대학교)
Han, Jong-Guk (교육부 학교안전연구소)
Publication Information
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research / v.18, no.2, 2019 , pp. 22-34 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was two-fold. Firstly, it investigated the current state of the 34 specific policies of school safety-accident prevention that were implemented at K-12 public schools in accordance with the $1^{st}$ School Safety-Accident Prevention Plan established in December 2015. Secondly, it prioritized the policies based on the outcomes from the investigation to make policy recommendations for future improvement. For this purpose, we surveyed 614 school teachers and staff from 24 school-safety research schools across the nation on their perception of the current policies for preventing school safety accidents. Specifically, they were asked about the degree of realization and the necessity of expansion of the policies. Based on the survey results, the Borich index as a needs measure was computed for each policy and a list of policies prioritized in descending order of the index was presented. The results of the study showed that school teachers and staff's perception of the improvement of school safety since the policies took effect was highly positive in general. It was also shown that the policies perceived as best-implemented were, in descending order, "first-aid education for teachers and staff", "safety management of school meals", "prevention activity of student traffic safety-accident", and so on. The majority of survey respondents said that the policies were being implemented well and that they should be expanded and enhanced. As a result of the Borich's needs analysis, it was found that "more collegial collaboration between the Office of Education and other relevant organizations in the community for school safety", "prevention education activity for water safety", and so forth should be more actively implemented.
school safety; school-safety policy; school safety-accident prevention plan; priority; Borich's needs index;
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