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A Research of the Efficient Financial Management of Welfare for Education through Operating Mixed-use of School Facilities  

Kim, Joo-Cheul (한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원)
Publication Information
The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research / v.10, no.2, 2011 , pp. 46-60 More about this Journal
Nowadays, the change of the social structure such as the elderly society and the broken traditional family conception is progressing rapidly. The social change produced a lot of problems, and the welfare from among these is the urgent problem. The welfare for the aged is very important problem in an aging society. The changes of industrial and economic structures also caused the increase of double-income families. The numbers of schoolchildren decreased rapidly because of the low birth and elderly society. So, many idle spaces of existing school facilities have emerged, and these left spaces is being blamed for the fiscal waste. If these idle spaces were used for the welfare-facilities, it will be of assistant to solve the problem about welfare and use the school facilities effectively. And then, the big profit from these enterprises can be used for the better welfare for education.
mixed-use of school facilities; welfare for education; school finances; operating for school;
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  • Reference
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