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Daily Gas Demand Forecast Using Functional Principal Component Analysis  

Choi, Yongok (School of Economics, Chung-Ang University)
Park, Haeseong (Department of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University)
Publication Information
Environmental and Resource Economics Review / v.29, no.4, 2020 , pp. 419-442 More about this Journal
The majority of the natural gas demand in South Korea is mainly determined by the heating demand. Accordingly, there is a distinct seasonality in which the gas demand increases in winter and decreases in summer. Moreover, the degree of sensitiveness to temperature on gas demand has changed over time. This study firstly introduces changing temperature response function (TRF) to capture effects of changing seasonality. The temperature effect (TE), estimated by integrating temperature response function with daily temperature density, represents for the amount of gas demand change due to variation of temperature distribution. Also, this study presents an innovative way in forecasting daily temperature density by employing functional principal component analysis based on daily max/min temperature forecasts for the five big cities in Korea. The forecast errors of the temperature density and gas demand are decreased by 50% and 80% respectively if we use the proposed forecasted density rather than the average daily temperature density.
Forecasting gas demand; Functional principal component analysis; Changing seasonality; Daily gas demand; Forecasting temperature density;
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