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The Relationship of Attitude and Word Recognition for the Elderly of Elementary School Students  

Lee, Inn-Sook (Department of Nursing, Keukdong College)
Kim, Hyo-Shin (Department of Nursing, Hoseo University)
Publication Information
Purpose: This study was performed to investigate the attitude and recognition on how to describe the elderly of elementary school students. Methods: The subject of this study was total 806 students of 4, 5, 6 grade at 2 elementary schools in Gyunggi-do. The data were collected through self-reporting questionnaires for a month. Results: First, the score of attitude about the elderly was 107.8 and image score was the highest. Second, there were significant differences in the attitude about the elderly according to grade, birth order of siblings, domestic atmosphere, and economic status, domestic education on respect about the elderly, and education about the elderly at school. Third, there were significant differences in the attitude about the elderly according to parent-grandparent relationship, health and economic status of grandparents, meeting frequency with grandparents. Fourth, the score of word recognition about the elderly was 43.3 and social score was the highest. fifth, there were significant differences in recognition on how to describe the elderly according to grade, birth order of siblings of students and parents, domestic atmosphere, and economic status, domestic education on respect about the elderly. Sixth, there were significant differences in recognition on how to describe according to parent-grandparent relationship, health status and economic status of grandparents, meeting frequency with grandparents. Lastly, The attitude and recognition about the elderly showed significant positive relationship. Conclusion: We should provide qualitative education programs to improve the attitude and recognition about the elderly of elementary school students.
health educator; academic achievement; self-efficacy;
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