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Comparative study on the contraceptive knowledge, self-efficacy according to the career tract of high school female students  

Lee, Inn-Sook (Department of Nursing, Keukdong College)
Cho, Ju-Yeon (Department of Nursing, Suwon Science College)
Publication Information
Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the contraceptive knowledge, self-efficacy according to the career tract of high school female students. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional, correlational design using an exploratory survey methodology through self-reported questionnaires. The questionnaires were administered to 369 high school female students using a convenience sampling. Results: In the experience of sexual behaviors(grasping hand, hugging, petting, deep petting, sexual intercourse), technical female high school students showed more experiences than female high school students. In the contraceptive knowledge, the score of high school students' contraceptive knowledge was higher than technical female high school students. In the contraceptive self-efficacy, there was not a significant difference between the technical female high school students and female high school students. In the female high school students, there were significant differences in the contraceptive knowledge according to grade, academic record, sex education experience and there were significant differences in the contraceptive self-efficacy according to grade, academic record, parents' attitude about acquaintance of the opposite sex. In the technical female high school students, there was not significant difference in the contraceptive knowledge according to demographic, sexual behavior, and contraceptive related characteristics but there were significant differences in the contraceptive self-efficacy according to grade, parents' attitude about acquaintance of the opposite sex, contraceptive education experience at school. There was positive relationship between contraceptive knowledge and contraceptive self-efficacy. Conclusion: Further research is needed to identify the prevalence rate of contraceptive attitude using more reliable variables. A sex education program should be developed for promoting use of contraceptive measure and formation of positive contraceptive attitude among high school female students.
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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