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An Application Method Study on the Electronic Records Management Systems based on Cloud Computing  

Lim, Ji-Hoon (전북대학교 기록관리학과 대학원)
Kim, Eun-Chong (전북대학교 기록관리학과 대학원)
Bang, Ki-Young (전북대학교 기록관리학과 대학원)
Lee, Yu-Jin (전북대학교 기록관리학과 대학원)
Kim, Yong (전북대학교 문헌정보학과, 문화융복합 아카이빙연구소)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management / v.14, no.3, 2014 , pp. 153-179 More about this Journal
After making amendments to archive-related legislations in 2006, the Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) were introduced into public institutions. With this, most institutions constructed digital repositories in their records center. In this system, there are several weaknesses that wasted costs and manpower for its introduction and maintenance. The extensibility of a repository is debased, and securing the interoperability is difficult. The study proposed a cloud computing-based model to solve such problems that the previous system had. In particular, this study expected effects through the proposed model. The expected effects are low-cost, highly efficient, extensible, and interoperable in embracing various systems. Thus, the appropriateness of introducing cloud computing into ERMS was analyzed in this study.
cloud computing; electronic records management systems; records center; hybrid cloud;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 6  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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