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Plant Species Utilization and Care Patterns Using Potted Plants in the Traditional Gardening  

Kim, Myung-Hee (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Joongbu University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture / v.31, no.3, 2013 , pp. 61-74 More about this Journal
This study examined and analyzed ancient writing and poetry regarding cases of appreciating plants by using pots in a garden of a palace or private houses by ancestors, and examined shape and planting method of plant species and potted plants, arrangement and preference of potted plants. As for the method of the study, description research method which examines and interprets poem and painting based on potted plants. The results of this study is summarized like the following. First, the plants which were favorably used for potted plants include 19 kinds such as Prunus mume, Pinus densiflora, Pinus pumila, Phyllostachys spp., Camellia japonica, Punica granatum, and Gardenia jasminoidesa, and as for herbs, 12 kinds such as Chrysanthemum monifolium and Nelumbo nusifera . Second, the species which were specially arranged into artificial shapes include Prunus mume and Pinus densiflora. The two plants made the shape of severe curves of stems such as Wangpi. Gyuban, and Bangan, and there are Pinus densiflora dwarfed potted plant whose roots are stretched on Prunus mume grafted into a strange stump and an oddly shaped stone. For the beauty of the dwarfed tree shape, pine cones are added to an old Pinus densiflora or Parthenocissus tricuspidata is planted to stems, and additional method of making moss on the soil, which is called 'Jongbunchuigyeong'. As for planting method, water culture, planting on a stone, planting on a charcoal, and assembled planting are expressed in poetry. Third, as for external space for potted plants, a place where a king stays, a bed room for a king, surrounding areas and gardens of private houses, and step stones were used as a space which adds artistic effects. Potted plants are placed on a table in a library, on a desk, on a drawer, and near a pillow as a small items in a room, and scholars enjoyed original characteristics and symbolism of the potted plants. Fourth, at the time of flowering of Prunus mume, poetry event was held to enjoy the tree and writing poetry begun. And at the time of flowering of Chrysanthemum monifolium, the flowers were floated in a liquor glass or shadow play was enjoyed. Fifth, potted plants played the role of garden ornaments in elegant events of a palace, the gentry, wedding ceremony, and sacrificial rites. Sixth, potted plants were used as tributes between countries, donation to a king, or a gift of a king. In addition, there were many cases where scholars exchanged potted plants and there is the first record of giving a potted plant in 'Mokeunsigo' by Mokeun Isaek, scholar in the late era of Goryeo. Seventh, at the time of flowering Prunus mume, Chrysanthemum monifolium, Gardenia jasminoides, Nelumbo nusifera, and Narcissustazetta var. chinensis, they enjoyed the particular fragrance and express it into poetry. Eighth, plant species from southern parts such as Camellia japonica, Daphne odora, Gardenia jasminoides, Citrus unshiu, Phyllostachys spp., Punica granatum, Rosa rugosa, and Musa basjoo, or foreign plant species, and species weak against the cold were utilized as pot plants for enjoying green trees indoors in northern central province in harshly cold winter.
Potted Plants; Plant Species; Planting Method; Garden Ornaments;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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