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Research on the Visual Historical & Cultural Resources of Seongbuk-dong  

Lee, Won-Ho (National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
Kim, Jae-Ung (National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture / v.31, no.2, 2013 , pp. 118-127 More about this Journal
In this study, Seongbuk-dong historical & cultural resources of the surrounding landscape were analyzed by the visual characteristics of the landscape adjective analysis. Research was investigate to the relationship between visual characteristics and preferences and Research in the following way. Selected historical and cultural resources in the surrounding area are located in Seongbuk-dong 30 slices the survey was conducted. Landscape preference factors to identify the scale of 16 adjectives and then factor analysis was conducted. Lastly, Analysis of variance and regression analysis were conducted in order to determine the impact of the last image factors on visual preferences. Firstly, The results can be summarized as follows. Officer for 30 pictures appear in Seongbuk-dong in the historical and cultural resources, and distributed around the target preference for the 16 adjectives analysis yielded an average result of overall preference were analyzed and that is a 3.72 average. In these photos, VP8, VP9, VP10, VP12, VP15; 4.5 points more than one order higher. The reason is limit of altitude by the Seoul landscape plan for the historical and cultural resources around. It also judged important reason that history and Culture are in harmony with the surrounding cultural property in the conservation area. Secondly, Important factors are factor 1(aesthetic factors), factor 2(cultural factors), factor 3(physical factors) and three factors could be identified. Results of the analysis of variance and regression analysis about factors for visual preference and image shows value of psychological factor is most significant to explain for nearby history &cultural resources of Seongbuk-dong of scenery around. As a result, the state can not view historical and cultural resources for analysis will be located in a residential area near the historical and cultural resources for aesthetic factors. Third, the negative side of the argument is a residential area which is not arranged surrounding landscape maintenance of historical and cultural resources has emerged. Historical and cultural resources in harmony with the phenomena of the physical, cultural, and aesthetic characteristics of the three areas is a positive factor in the high incidence. Factors from that are expressed in this study by analyzing multi-dimensional analysis to derive a factor to be considered important in the management of historical and cultural resources, landscape around is required.
Analysis of Preference; Historical & Cultural Landscape; Image of City; Landscape Resources;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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