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A Study on the Environmentally-friendly Design Techniques Extract and Applying Modern of Traditional Residential Area - The Case of Dokrakdang in Kyungbuk Province -  

Heo, Jun (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Dongshin University)
Song, Byeong Hwa (Dept. of Flower. Floral Plant Coodi & Landscape Architecture, Woosong College)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture / v.29, no.2, 2011 , pp. 63-72 More about this Journal
The aim of this study, a traditional residential area in the environmentally friendly design techniques to identify the techniques and principles that have been carried out to reestablish the principles. To do this, through literature review environmental performance is reflected in the traditional residential area side of resources conservation, locational aspects, spatial configuration, and how cases were selected looking for ways to apply modern. Are examples of upper class housing in the Chosen Dynasty Period period construction relatively well-preserved round and a good building with a clear housing Dokrakdang year were selected. Locational aspects of the terrain with minimal changes to the building and construction techniques were entirely in terms of environmental conservation and environmental temperature was adjusted to regulate the room temperature technique could be seen. In terms of cycling in natural materials were recycled. and water make used of positive through water cycling technique & water control. In addition, the importance of landscape views overlooking the landscape from inside to outside through the regulation of the various internal and external space technique was used to attract and expand. Traditionality in the pursuit of modern space, simply cut off because of tradition rather than to restore or recover the organizing principle inherent in the traditional space, and extraction of the contemporary social, cultural and environmental understanding of space is acceptable in basis. Environmentally-friendly design techniques in a traditional residential area for a long time to be developed by the experience of its application of modern environmental and energy problems and pleasant environment to the creation of human life and are subject to significant swings in that.
Environmentally-friendly; Traditional Residential Area; Material Recycling; Nature Material;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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