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A Study on the Landscape Characteristics of Byeolseo in Gyeongnam Province  

Ahn, Gye-Bog (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Catholic University of Deagu)
Oh, Tae-Ho (Dept. of Environmental Science and Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, Catholic University of Deagu)
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Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture / v.28, no.4, 2010 , pp. 28-35 More about this Journal
'Byeolseo(別墅)' means a kind of building that is built where is separated from main house. From the results of our field investigation, we could see that every type of the Jungja(亭子) a kind of Byeolseo-building in Gyoungnam Province. And the types of building plan found are center-focused room, eccentric room, seperated room, and the one without room. And also, we could find that the most representative location type of Byeolseo is on the hill where the cliff is on the riverside. That is, both waterscape and rockscape play an important role in the composition of landscape treatment of Byeolseo in Gyoungnam Province. In waterscape, "waterfall+swamp+fast-flowing stream" structure which is connected with river or mountain stream is found prominently, and in the case of rockscape, bedrocks, boulders, and Dae(臺) that are present in nature are used prevalently rather than an artificial hill or disposing rocks on purpose. Treating and disposing landscape of Byeolseo in Gyoungnam Province, the perspective view(average perspective distance is 5.6km) and several axes of view are used.
Location Type; Waterscape; Rockscape; Landscape Treatment;
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  • Reference
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