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Korean Medicine-based Integrative Oncology Therapies on adverse effects of Chemotherapy in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer : 2 Cases  

Ji-yoon, Yeom (Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Korean medicine, Woosuk University)
Su-bin, Ahn (Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Woosuk University)
Su-jung, Park (Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Korean medicine, Woosuk University)
Seung-yun, Oh (Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Korean medicine, Woosuk University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Traditional Oncology / v.27, no.1, 2022 , pp. 57-66 More about this Journal
Objective: To report the improvements with Korean medicine-based integrative cancer therapies on adverse effects of adjuvant chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients. Method: There were two patients complained cough, rhinorrhea, numbness, general weakness, nausea and dyspepsia after chemotherapy. They got treated centered on Korean medicine including herbal medicine, acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, moxibustion, hand and foot bath. They were also treated Western immunotherapies like Thymosin at regular intervals. The symptoms were measured by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 15 for Palliative Care(EORTC QLQ C-15 PAL) and their subjective assessments. Results: Their chief complaints were relieved and their quality of life scores was improved even though they have been receiving chemotherapy continuously. Conclusion: These cases revealed a possibility that Korean medicine-based integrative cancer therapies could improve some symptoms after chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer.
Integrative oncology; Korean medicine; Cytotoxic chemotherapy; Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer; Case report;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 8  (Citation Analysis)
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