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Effect of Applying Pressure of High Pressure Diecasting Process Using Salt core  

Lee, Jun-Ho (R & D Division for Hyundai Motor Co. & Kia Motors Corp.)
Moon, J.H. (R & D Center, Dong Yang Piston Co., LTD.)
Lee, Dock-Young (Division of Materials, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Foundry Society / v.28, no.3, 2008 , pp. 136-140 More about this Journal
A new concept of salt core, a melting temperature of which is lower than the solidus temperature of cast alloy, was introduced to produced an integrated casting part having a complicated inner shape or requiring under-cut in high pressure die casting or squeeze casting process. The main goal of this study is to develop a new integrated net-shape forming technology using fusible core of lower melting temperature than that of a casting alloy. This integrated net-shape forming technology would be very successful and cost-effective for producing the integrated products having a complicated inner shape or requiring under-cut. The technology for measuring and evaluating a various property of fusible core such as a thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient, melting temperature was established. Also, the work space can be cleaned without a pollution inducing products.
Salt core; Squeeze casting; High pressure die casting; Net-shape forming;
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