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An Empirical Study on the User's Continuous Use Intention to Provide Real-Time Airport Information  

Yong-Jin Ha (한국공항공사 스마트추진실 데이터융합부)
Jin-Woo Park (한국항공대학교 경영학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.30, no.4, 2022 , pp. 45-56 More about this Journal
Recently, the airport operator provides information such as real-time airport processing status, which allows users to determine the time to arrive at the airport at their own judgment. It is provided through their website and mobile Apps in order to resolve the customer's failure to board the aircraft and the inconvenience caused by waiting for the airport, etc. However, there was a lack of research cases on the intention of users to continue using such real-time airport information. Therefore, research on the field was studied by applying flow and trust theory based on human emotions. The research method verified reliability, validity, correlation between variables, and hypotheses using structural equations. As a result of the study, it was found that flow and trust had a significant effect on the intention to continue using. In other words, passengers were intended to continue to use the behavior they were searching for when they felt wise, enjoyable, and reliable etc.
Real-Time Airport Informations; Flow; Trust; Continuous Use Intension; Goal-Direction; Skill;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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