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A Study on Factors Affecting the Level of Just Culture of Air Force Pilots  

Kwon, Oh-young (공군항공안전단 안전관리실)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.29, no.1, 2021 , pp. 47-60 More about this Journal
Just culture is an important factors in safety culture, and is related to the degree to which potential risk information is shared. Since the importance of the level of just culture has been highlighted in the aspect that it is related to the prevention of various safety accidents, research on just culture was required. In previous studies, there are attempts to develop a scale to measure the level of just culture and to reveal the degree of predicting the experience of accidents or errors and the actual reporting experience. However, It was not possible to clarify the factors that facilitate and inhibit the level of just culture for the formation of just culture. This study was conducted to help improve the level of the organization's just culture by specifically identifying factors that facilitate and inhibit the impact on the level of the just culture. As a result, it was possible to find the facilitating and inhibiting factors affecting the 6 factors of just culture.
Just Culture; Safety Culture; Scale Development; Facilitation Factor; Inhibition Factor;
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  • Reference
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