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The Measurement of HEXACO Personality Factors of Flight Crews at a Civil Airline and The Effect on Their Adaptive Performance  

Lee, Dong-Sik (아시아나항공 CRM연구 및 교육 총괄)
Hwang, Jae-Kab (한국교통대학교 교통정책시스템공학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.27, no.3, 2019 , pp. 30-44 More about this Journal
This study utilized the HEXACO model developed by Lee et al. to investigate the effect of personal level personality variables on adaptive performance of new pilots engaged in domestic airlines. As a result of the analysis, it was found out that extroversion had a statistically significant effect on adaptive performance, while openness to experience and conscientiousness did not affect the adaptive performance statistically. In the analysis of interaction between personality variables and demographic variables, there was a statistically significant interaction effect between the origin and extroversion. Second, it was confirmed that the extroversion variable had an influence on the adaptive performance, suggesting that personality variables should be reflected in the selection of new pilots. Third, when the extroversion level was low, the adaptive performance of the civilian was relatively lower than that of the military.
HEXACO Personality; Adaptive Performance; Openness; Conscientiousness; Extroversion;
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