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A Study of the Effect of Perceived Service Quality under the New Service Environment on Formulating Airline's Global Brand(Joint Venture) Image  

Kim, Tae-Joon (대한항공 국제업무실)
Kim, Kee-Woong (한국항공대학교 경영학과)
Park, Sung-Sik (한국교통대학교 항공운항학과)
Lee, Su-Mi (한국항공대학교 경영학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.26, no.3, 2018 , pp. 66-76 More about this Journal
Terminal 2 of Incheon in'tl airport had made a grand opening since January 2018. Terminal 2 is currently operated by mainly Korean airline in cooperation with such skyteam members as Delta airline, Air France and Royal Dutch KLM. It is expected another three skyteam member airlines join the separate operation at terminal 2 since this coming winter. It is believed very meaningful research to analyze how separate operation of Global alliance of airlines affects the global brand image of an organization. To find out such effect, researchers have made an empirical analysis of perception of airline staffs working at terminal 2. This paper has focused on how the staffs perceive airline service quality in the changed working environment and on how significantly their perception on service has an effect on airline's global brand image with such moderating variables as organizational efficacy and organizational trust. According to empirical analysis using structural equation modeling, it was proven the variable of responsiveness among perceived airline service qualities had a direct significant effect on formulating airline's global brand image associated with joint venture between Korean airline and Delta airline. However, the other variables had a indirect significant effect on global brand image with moderating effects.
Global alliance; Brand Image; Organizational Trust; Organizational Efficacy; Joint Venture;
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