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How to enhance the security and operation of Self Bag Drop systems  

Kim, Ha-na (맨체스터대학교 안보 및 국제법학)
Kwon, Pilje (한서대학교 항공교통학과)
Lee, Kang-seok (한서대학교 항공교통물류학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.26, no.3, 2018 , pp. 55-65 More about this Journal
The SBD systems have made it possible that all boarding procedures are completed by passengers. With the SBD, air tickets can be issued and baggage can be consigned without the help of airline officers. This way, the SBD can improve the passenger circulation speed as well as decrease the time for passengers to wait for check-in, which is connected to the reduction of airlines' operaitonal costs. However, given that the SBD is a new technology, it has potentials to be used as a tool for air terrorism. This study purposes to determine methods to enhance the security and operation of SBD systems. With the aim, this paper investigated the existing literature on SBDs, self-check-in, airport security, air terrorism, risk management, aviation accidents, and information security. In order to compile real-time information about the SBD operations, twelve airports in North America, Europe, and Asia were analyzed based on existing studies on international SBD trends.
Self Bag Drop (SBD); airport security; airport operations; risk management;
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