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A study on the Performance Analysis of PBL for Air Weapon System  

Park, Keun-Seog (공군 제82항공정비창)
Yoon, Yong-Hyun (한국드론산업진흥협회)
Eom, Jung-Ho (대전대학교 군사학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.25, no.4, 2017 , pp. 52-60 More about this Journal
This paper forces on the analysis of the overall outcome regarding Performance Based Logistics(PBL) application for Air Weapon System. We used data from domestically developed aircraft such as KT/A-1 and T-50 as well as data from foreign F-15K aircraft and F100 Engine to analyze the current ROKAF PBL application results. Furthermore, this paper thus suggests various techniques to maximize the outcome of user-based PBL performance such as clarifying the responsibility between customer and the company, developing standardized PBL performance index under TLCSM, PBL related maintenance capacity development, wartime PBL implementation process of domestic/foreign companies and many other schemes based on the analyzed data.
Performance Based Logistics; Total Life Cycle System Management; Performance Index; Maintenance Capability Development;
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  • Reference
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