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A Study on the Safety Culture Index Measurement of Pilot Training School  

Han, Kyoung-Keun (한서대학교 항공운항학과)
Kim, Young-Suk (한서대학교 항공운항학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.23, no.4, 2015 , pp. 49-56 More about this Journal
The importance of safety culture improvement and transformation has highlighted since an organization's safety culture can be the causal factor of the accident. Every designated aviation training school have to manage their own SMS and will comply with the regulations specified in article 49, Korean Aviation law. In related regulations, it is specified the safety culture status and problems of an organizations must be accessed and improved. On this study, safety culture index of designated aviation training school has measured using abbreviated CASS developed by KTSA. Results from the statistical analysis, the overall safety culture average found as 3.711. Among the subindex, mean of 'Employee Empowerment' appeared the most high(3.980) and 'Reward System' appeared the most low(3.309). Service providers are able to apply the intervention strategy on the basis of the results of these measurements. The weak part of Safety Culture might be improved and this will lead the better organizational culture.
Safety Culture; SMS; Safety Culture Survey; Safety Culture Index;
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  • Reference
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