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A Study of Russian Patients' Satisfaction on Medical Tourism in Korea with Air Ambulance Service  

Kim, Pyung-Soo (한국항공대학교 항공경영학과)
Kim, Kee-Woong (한국항공대학교 경영학과)
Park, Sung-Sik (한국교통대학교 항공운항학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.22, no.4, 2014 , pp. 99-109 More about this Journal
Airline and medical industry in Korea have rapidly grown since 21st century. However, air ambulance service using an aircraft has not as popular as in Japan, Europe or United States. Central government has decided to start emergency helicopter service since 2011 to transport emergency patients transported in the past by fire fighter helicopter. Unfortunately, 32 OECD countries out of 33 have operated emergency aircraft system except Korea. There are more than 25 emergency helicopters in Japan, which can operate within five minutes. Such system could save a lot of social direct or in-direct cost by saving valuable lives of Japan citizens. This paper has tried to research the perception of overseas Russian medical tourists on using Air ambulance for their medical tourism to Korea. Researching air ambulance, this paper expects to find ways to enhance both medical tourism industry and airline, business jet industry. According to research results, it was proven that tangibility of medical tourism service has a positive effect on the human factor of air ambulance. The human factor has also a significant impact on the passenger comfortableness of air ambulance. Such comfortableness increases the overall satisfaction of medical tourism.
Medical Tourism; Emergency Aircraft; Air Ambulance; Human Factor; Russian tourists;
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