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Development of Runway Incursion Risk Assessment Checklist  

Maeng, Sung-Kyu (국토해양부, 한국항공대학교)
Jung, Yoon-Sik (항공우주정책연구소)
Choi, Jin-Kook (아시아나항공)
Kwon, Bo-Hun (대한항공)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.20, no.1, 2012 , pp. 46-54 More about this Journal
One major safety issue of surface operations is the occurrence of runway incursions. Runway incursions are the consequence of multiple operational and/or environmental factors. Human error is known to contribute to almost every runway incursion. One major contributing factor for runway incursion is crew's lack of situational awareness during airport surface operations, induced by weather considerations, by complex airport factors or by crew technique itself; it is also caused by ATC issues. Various airport factors may affect pilot situational awareness, distract the crew, or lead to crew confusion. The recommendations to avoid runway incursions are manifold; Proper Crew's CRM/TEM skills, adequate communication technique, proper knowledge of airport surface markings, lights and signs and preparation of preparation of expected taxi out/in routing. Also runway incursion risk assessment on specific airport before flight may lead to aware of risk level and contribute to prevent runway incursion.
Runway incursion; Confusion; Risk assessment; Runway safety; Runway excursion;
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  • Reference
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