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A study on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) Flight Test Planning Establishment through Atmospheric Considerations  

Kim, Yeong-Rae (한국항공대학교 항공우주 및 기계공학부)
Lee, Jeong-Suk (한국항공대학교 항공우주 및 기계공학부)
Lee, Sang-Cheol (한국항공대학교 항공우주 및 기계공학부)
Ko, Sang-Ho (한국항공대학교 항공우주 및 기계공학부)
Kang, Ja-Yeong (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과)
Choi, Jong-Uk (국방과학연구소 제 7기술본부 4부 4그룹)
Seong, Deoky-Yong (국방과학연구소 제 7기술본부 4부 4그룹)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics / v.18, no.4, 2010 , pp. 73-79 More about this Journal
Flight test is the final and a mandatory process for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) as well as manned. Since most UAVs fly in a low speed and are prone to adverse weather conditions such as air turbulence, atmospheric weather environment around flight test regions will be a critical item to be considered for a flight test planning for UAVs. In this paper, we suggest a decision method for a UAV flight test schedule based on weather conditions of surface and upper atmospheres and also introduce a program for an effective flight test planning through weather forecasts.
Flight Test; UAV; Surface Atmosphere; Upper Atmosphere; Wind Speed; Wind Direction; Precipitation; Sight; Jet Stream; Endurance;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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