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A Comparative Study of Mongolian and Korean Traditional Medicine  

Purevjav, Oyanga-Bileg (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, College of Korean Medicine, Wonkwang University)
Ha, Won-Bae (Imsil-Gun Health Care Center)
Geum, Ji-Hye (Je-Il Korean Medicine Hospital)
Lee, Jung-Han (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, College of Korean Medicine, Wonkwang University)
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Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation / v.31, no.4, 2021 , pp. 87-103 More about this Journal
Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the development process and describe the diagnosis methods, theories and treatments of Mongolian traditional medicine and Korean traditional medicine through literature records and prior studies. Methods Literature records and previous studies on traditional medicine of both countries were collected through various sites in Mongolia (Esan, Mongoliajol, Kok, Yumpu, Scribd, Science and Technology Foundation [STF]) and Korea (Koreanstudies Information Service System [KISS], Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information [KISTI], National Digital Science Library [NDSL], Research Information Sharing Service [RISS], Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System [OASIS]). Also the English database was searched through PubMed. In the case of Mongolian traditional medicine, medical books published in Mongolia were mainly referenced and used for research. Results Studying the development process, basic concepts and the system of diagnosis and treatment of the two traditional medicine, several commonalities and differences were revealed. Conclusions This study showed that the scope of diagnosis methods between Mongolian and Korean traditional medicine were slightly different, and that the medical terminology for the diagnosis method had slightly different contents from each other. Although there were many similarities in treatments of Mongolian and Korean traditional medicine, the Chuna therapy is found in Korean traditional medicine only. The basic theories constituting traditional medicine were the same, but the five-element theory used by the two countries differs in the following two factors. Mongolia uses elements of air and space as the theory of five elements, while Korea uses elements of wood and iron.
Mongolian traditional medicine; Korean traditional medicine; History; Cognition; Diagnosis; Therapeutics;
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