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A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Reliability of Pattern Identification Tool for Knee Osteoarthritis and to Analyze Correlation between Pattern Identification Tool and Knee Range of Motion, Visual Analog Scale and Western Ontario & Mcmaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index  

Oh, Seung-Joon (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Jang, Eunsu (Department of Diagnosis, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Oh, Young-Seon (Dunsan Korean Medical Hospital, Daejeon University)
Kang, Wee-chang (Department of Statistics, H-Liberal Arts College, Daejeon University)
Lee, Eun-Jung (Departments of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
Jung, In Chul (Department of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation / v.29, no.3, 2019 , pp. 113-128 More about this Journal
Objectives To evaluate the pattern identification tool for knee osteoarthritis and to investigate the relationship between pattern identification tool and knee ROM (range of motion), VAS (visual analog scale) and WOMAC (Western Ontario & McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index). Methods We studied 50 patients who are diagnosed as degenerative osteoarthritis. With one patient dropping out, total of 49 patient went through pattern identification tool. Re-test of the pattern identification tool was implemented after about a week. The reliability was analyzed by calculating ICC (intraclass correlation coefficient). Also, reliability of each pattern identification score was calculated along with influence factor and correlation between knee ROM, VAS and WOMAC. Results Reliability of the pattern identification tool was evaluated as 'poor agreement beyond chance' with ICC value of 0.396. Reliablility of each pattern identification score was calculated and four out of five were measured 'good' with one 'moderate' reliability. Two of inter-item consistency were 'good', two were 'acceptable' and one was 'questionable'. Correlation between each pattern identification and knee ROM showed 'clear negative linear relationship' with two patterns. VAS showed 'clear positivie linear relationship' with all five patterns. WOMAC showed 'positivie linear relationship' with all five patterns. Conclusions According to the results, pattern identification tool for knee osteoarthritis seems to have meaningful relationship with other agnedas. Also, further research is needed to develop the tool.
Knee osteoarthritis; Surveys and questionnaires; Statistics; Pilot projects; Knee injuries;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 11  (Citation Analysis)
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