A Literatural Investigation of Diagnosis Methods and Evaluation Outcomes for the Clinical Trials on Temporomandibular Disorders |
Moon, Byung-Heon
(Department of Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine, Bucheon Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital)
Choi, Young-Jun (Department of Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine, Bucheon Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Yoo, Su-Bin (Department of Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine, Bucheon Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Ju, Yeung-Guk (Department of Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine, Bucheon Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Song, Seong-Bae (Department of Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine, Bucheon Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Song, Gwang-Chan (Department of Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine, Bucheon Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Seo, Ji-Yeon (Department of Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine, Bucheon Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Choi, Hee-Seung (Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of Korean Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, SangJi University) |
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