The Study on Correlation between Traffic Accident Severity with Period and Cost of Treatment in Traffic Accident Outpatients Visiting a Korean Medicine Hospital |
Park, Ji-Yong
(Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Gang-nam Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital)
Hong, Nam-Jung (Department of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, Gang-nam Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Lee, Min-Jung (Department of Acupuncture Medicine, Gang-nam Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Ahn, Ji-Hoon (Department of Acupuncture Medicine, Dae-jun Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Shin, You-Bin (Department of Acupuncture Medicine, Dae-jun Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Kim, Byung-Jung (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Dong-seo Korean Medicine Hospital) Shin, Min-Geun (Department of Acupuncture Medicine, Dong-seo Korean Medicine Hospital) Ha, In-Hyuk (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Gang-nam Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) Lee, Jin-Ho (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Gang-nam Jaseng Korean Medicine Hospital) |
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