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A Case Report of Patient with Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Treated by Korean Medicine Treatment in Combination with Electro-acupuncture and Chuna Manual Treatment  

Lee, Hyung-Eun (Dept. of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Dae-Jeon University)
Heo, Dong-Seok (Dept. of Korean Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Dae-Jeon University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation / v.23, no.2, 2013 , pp. 175-184 More about this Journal
This study is to observe the effect of Korean medicine treatment combined with electro-acupuncture and chuna manual treatment on tarsal tunnel syndrome inpatient. The patient, diagnosed as tarsal tunnel syndrome, was treated by Korean medicine treatment in combination with electro-acupuncture and chuna manual treatment. We measured visual analogue scale(VAS). Neuropathic pain scale(NPS) was adopted as a method of measuring the treatment results of pain & hypoesthesia. Rt. sole numbness & pain decreased from VAS 10 to VAS 4. Rt. foot paresthesia decreased from VAS 10 to VAS 4 and Rt. ankle pain was disappeared. NPS score decreased from 80 to 62. Korean medicine treatment in combination with electro-acupuncture and chuna manual treatment is proved to be helpful to improve the symptoms of the tarsal tunnel syndrome patient.
Tarsal tunnel syndrome; Electro-acupuncture treatment; Chuna manual treatment; VAS(Visual analogue scale); NPS(Neuropathic pain scale);
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