A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Eastern-Western Integrative Medicine for Musculoskeletal Disorders |
Lee, Seung-Jin
(Dept. of Oriental rehabilitation medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pu-San National University)
Shin, Byung-Cheul (Dept. of Oriental rehabilitation medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pu-San National University) Song, Geun-Sung (Dept. of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine & Medical Research Institute, Pu-San National University Yangsan hospital) Hwang, Eui-Hyoung (Dept. of Oriental rehabilitation medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pu-San National University) Yun, Young-Ju (Dept. of Integrative Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pu-San National University) Cho, Hyun-Woo (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, Pu-San National University Korean medicine hospital) |
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