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Correlation Analysis between Radiological Result and Radiating Pain in Neck Pain  

Han, Kyung-Wan (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Ja-Seng Oriental Medicine Hospital)
Kim, Eun-Seok (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Ja-Seng Oriental Medicine Hospital)
Woo, Jae-Hyuk (Dept. of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, Ja-Seng Oriental Medicine Hospital)
Kim, Ho-Jun (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Guk University)
Lee, Myeong-Jong (Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong-Guk University)
Publication Information
Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation / v.20, no.4, 2010 , pp. 139-146 More about this Journal
Objectives : To compare the differences between the symptoms and the findings of MRI(magnetic resonance imaging) and x-ray, we studied the patients with neck pain or radiating pain, which has been diagnosed as cervical herniated disc recently. Methods : We randomly selected among the 143 patients with x-ray and cervical spine(C-spine) MRI films who have visited Ja-seng hospital with neck pain and neck and radiating pain from April 1 of 2010 to May 1. We used SPSS 13.0 for windows in analyzing statistical data of study results and the level of significance was below 0.05. Results : 1. There were no significant differences between the presence of radiating pain and the amount of cervical herniation(p>0.05). 2. If the finding of a x-ray showed narrowing, based on MRI findings, the amount of herniation was more severe(p>0.05). 3. There were no significant differences between the presence of radiating pain and the findings of x-ray(p>0.05). 4. Among the 143 cases, which showed findings beside HIVD(herniation of intervertebral disc) were 13 cases. 88 cases of straightening(61.5%). 78 cases of uncovertebral joint arthrosis(54.5%). 25 cases of stenosis(17.5%), 13 cases of retrolisthesis(9.1%), 8 cases of osteophyte(6.6%), 4 cases of spondylolisthesis(2.8%), 2 cases of hemangioma(1.4%), 3 cases of OPLL(ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament)(2.1%), 2 cases of block vertebrae(1.4%), 2 cases of spondylitis(1.4%), 1 case of kyphosis(0.1) and 1 case of ligamentum flavum hypertrophy(0.1%). Conclusions : The findings from this study suggest that there was no relation between radiating pain and radiological result. On the other hand, diagnosis of x-ray and MRI showed significant relevance. The narrower disc space there were, the severer the state of herniation there existed.
Radiating pain; MRI; X-ray; Neck pain:Cervical herniated disc;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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