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The Direction of Reformation on the Edibility of Dogmeat in Korea  

안용근 (충청대학 식품영양과)
Publication Information
The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition / v.16, no.1, 2003 , pp. 72-83 More about this Journal
Korea has its long history and tradition of eating dogmeat as food, but dogmeat was excluded from the animal procession law because of the criticism from foreigners, so it is being distributed without inspection of government. Government rejects people's demand for the legalization of edibility of dogmeat due to the protest from a few animal right activist groups, but 80% of nationals favor edibility of dogmeat, and urge the legalization of dogmeat, while 20 lawmakers in legislature submitted the bill to legalize the edibility of dogmeat, and judicature ruled dogmeat is edible meat. Westerners' criticism on dogmeat is, in part, from real protection of animal, but rather their intention seems to be from the racism of colors, the purpose to increase the export amount of beef, to divert the attention of utilizing the abandoned pet dog as animal feed, and to raise a fund for the animal right activist groups. Government distorts the public opinion of edibility of dogmeat, making use of the related animal protection group, and the ministry of Agriculture and Forestry controlling over the animal protection law sides for the concerned groups opposing to the edibility of dogmeat, not for farmers. Furthermore, government has no intention of solving the problem of edibility of dogmeat and can't even propose the solution without presenting any adequate measure, worsening the situation. As a result, the issue of edibility of dogmeat is on the dead angle of sanitation, and wastes of dog slaughtering are polluting the environment. To solve this problem, it is necessary to legalize the edibility of dogmeat in order to distribute it sanitarily, to protect the environment, to increase tax revenues, and to secure the national pride. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry should transfer the jurisdiction over the animal protection law to the Ministry of Environment, and government should execute a reliable policy on the bases of objective and accurate investigation and statistics. Also, it is needed not only to set up the exclusive public bureau to make the edibility of dogmeat known worldwide and research institute, but also to launch the non government organization under the auspices of government. Then dogmeat can become the world renowned food as that of representing Korea.
dog meat; reformation on dogmeat;
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  • Reference
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