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The Effects on Work Satisfaction Level by Work Conditions in Fashion Organization  

Park, Ju-Hyun (Dept. of Fashion Design.Merchandising, Kyungsung University)
Park, Ok-Lyun (Dept. of Fashion Design.Merchandising, Kyungsung University)
Publication Information
Journal of Fashion Business / v.8, no.4, 2004 , pp. 131-140 More about this Journal
This study will first take a look at the work situations depending on functions or duties taken in fashion organizations in Busan, dividing the work condition into aspects such as special traits of the work, satisfaction level on the company and satisfaction level on welfare. This study has set the following study questions to reach the goal of this research: 1. look at special traits found depending on vital statistics. 2. The satisfaction level on special traits of the work and work itself showed that the diversity of work, importance of work and work flexibility were the key elements that influenced the satisfaction level. 3. The satisfaction level on company and work itself had pride and loyalty, the only factors that influenced work satisfaction level voluntarily, and the other factors had no effect on the satisfaction level. 4. The satisfaction level on welfare and work itself showed that the welfare benefits and welfare policies had no voluntary influence on the satisfaction level on the work itself.
special traits of jobs; job satisfaction; company satisfaction; welfare satisfaction;
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  • Reference
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