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A Study on the Cases of the R & D of the Apparel industry - Focus on Brand Developments in the Japanese Apparel Corporation -  

Shin, Jae-Yong (Dept. of Fashion Design, Sejong University)
Chun, Tae-Yoo (AGMP Program Sejong University)
Publication Information
Journal of Fashion Business / v.6, no.5, 2002 , pp. 112-124 More about this Journal
Japanese apparel industries have deployed the activities of plannings, production & sellings by brand marketings. Owing to it, they satisfied customers and accomplished the goal of corporation objective market advantage. All through this process it is very essential to establish the concept of product Through the analysis of the brand development in Japanese total apparel corporation; 1) it accesses synthetically to acquire sales and target benefit by active marketing based on the analysis of market environment; 2) on relation with customer, it comes close to customer in the process of buying and consuming product and provides a customer satisfaction in the process of those. All the way of the process above and the precedent, it is to complete the goal of corporation. The development of the brand in Japanese apparel corporation depends on the corporate's customeroriented marketing. Due to it, Japanese apparel corporation perceives the differentiation that the consuming pattern of customer is its life style so that Japanese apparel corporation provides the product that can satisfy customer needs.
brand marketing; customer-orientation; differentiation; japanese apparel;
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  • Reference
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18 이쿠시즈 브랜드 개발에 관해서는 石川弘義監 修(1986), ヤングマ-ケット白書, p. 705