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Enriched Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristics of Middle Triassic Plutonic Rocks in Hudongri, Chuncheon: Derivation from Enriched Mantle  

Park, Young-Rok (Department of Geology, Kangwon National University)
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The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea / v.18, no.3, 2009 , pp. 255-267 More about this Journal
The intrusive rocks in the Hudongri area, Chuncheon located in central Gyeonggi Massif consist of gabbroic diorite and diorite. K-Ar age of biotite separated from diorite sample records middle Triassic age of 228 Ma. The intrusives are characterized by enrichment of MgO, Ni and Cr as well as large ion lithophile elements such as Sa and Sr, which is indicative of derivation of magma from enriched mantle. The intrusives also have enriched Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, which appear to result from a long-term incompatible element enriched mantle source with an effect of crustal contamination. Occurrence of abundant hydrous minerals such as amphiboles and biotite rather than anhydrous minerals of pyroxene and olivine in mafic intrusive as well as being plotted in volcanic arc field in tectonic environment discrimination diagram indicate the mafic-intermediate intrusives in the Hudongri area, Chuncheon were derived from mantle material enriched by subduction.
Mafic-intermediate intrusives; Triassic; Enriched mantle; Hudongri;
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