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$^{40}Ar-^{39}39/Ar$ Biotite and Plagioclase Ages of the Gneeisses from Gyeonggi Massif  

박계헌 (부경대학교 환경지질과학과)
송용선 (부경대학교 환경지질과학과)
Publication Information
The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea / v.13, no.3, 2004 , pp. 152-160 More about this Journal
$^{40}Ar-^{39}39/Ar$ ages were determined from the biotites and plagioclases separated from the Precambrian gneisses of Gyeonggi Massif. Biotites yield $1,294{\pm}46,\;1,241{\pm}39\;and\;1,217{\pm}39Ma(2{\sigma}\;errors)$, and plagioclases yield $934{\pm}25,\;872{\pm}19,\;819{\pm}15(2{\sigma})Ma$. These ages are significantly different from the U-Pb zircon ages obtained from the identical samples ($1,613{\pm}51~2,168{\pm}24Ma(2{\sigma})$, Song et al., 2001). The ages of biotites and plagioclases can be interpreted to represent independent regional thermal events. The Mesoproterozoic ages recorded by the biotites can be interpreted as a consequence of regional metamorphism followed by differential uplift. We propose that plagioclases record Neoproterozoic ages which are related with igneous activities under the regional extensional regime, related with the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia existed at that time.
Gyeonggi massif; metamorphic rock; Mesoproterozoic; Neoproterozoic; $^{40}Ar-^{39}39/Ar$ age;
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  • Reference
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