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The Influence of Change Prevalence on Visual Short-Term Memory-Based Change Detection Performance  

Son, Han-Gyeol (Department of Psychology, Chung-Ang University)
Hyun, Joo-Seok (Department of Psychology, Chung-Ang University)
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Korean Journal of Cognitive Science / v.32, no.3, 2021 , pp. 117-139 More about this Journal
The way of change detection in which presence of a different item is determined between memory and test arrays with a brief in-between time interval resembles how visual search is done considering that the different item is searched upon the onset of a test array being compared against the items in memory. According to the resemblance, the present study examined whether varying the probability of change occurrence in a visual short-term memory-based change detection task can influence the aspect of response-decision making (i.e., change prevalence effect). The simple-feature change detection task in the study consisted of a set of four colored boxes followed by another set of four colored boxes between which the participants determined presence or absence of a color change from one box to the other. The change prevalence was varied to 20, 50, or 80% in terms of change occurrences in total trials, and their change detection errors, detection sensitivity, and their subsequent RTs were analyzed. The analyses revealed that as the change prevalence increased, false alarms became more frequent while misses became less frequent, along with delayed correct-rejection responses. The observed change prevalence effect looks very similar to the target prevalence effect varying according to probability of target occurrence in visual search tasks, indicating that the background principles deriving these two effects may resemble each other.
change detection; visual search; target prevalence; visual short-term memory; change prevalence;
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