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Rotating Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filtration  

Sangho Lee (Construction Environment Research, Korea Institute of Construction Technology)
Richard M. Lueptow (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University)
Publication Information
Membrane Journal / v.13, no.3, 2003 , pp. 131-142 More about this Journal
Cylindrical rotating reverse osmosis (RO) is a means of dynamic filtration that incorporates both high shear and flow instabilities to reduce membrane fouling. This article summarizes recent works on rotating RO including the physics of rotating filtration; mass - transfer and concentration polarization; theoretical and experimental analysis; and some case studies.
reverse osmosis (RO); rotating filtration; concentration polarization; fouling;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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[ M.Cheryan ] / Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook
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[ L.J.Zeman;A.L.Zydney ] / Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration: Principles and Applications
7 The radial transfer of mass to an axial stream of liquid betwen coaxial rotating cylinders /
[ N.Macleod;T.Rue ] / Chem. Eng. Sci.   DOI   ScienceOn
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[ B.V.d.Bruggen;C.Vandecasteele ] / Desalination   DOI   ScienceOn
9 Diagnosis of membrane fouling using a rotating annular filter. 1. Cell culture media /
[ G.Belfort;J.M.Pimbley;A.Greiner;K.Y.Chung ] / J. Membrane Sci   DOI   ScienceOn
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[ R.M.Lueptow;S.Lee ] / 17th Annual Meeting of American Society of Gravitational and Space Biology
11 Mass Transfer in Rotating Reverse Osmosis Based on Couette-Taylor Flow /
[ S.Lee;R.M.Lueptow ] / 13th International Couette-Taylor Workshop
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16 Hydrodynamic Stability of Viscous-Flow between Rotating Porous Cylinders with Radial Flow /
[ K.Min;R.M.Lueptow ] / Phys. Fluids   DOI   ScienceOn
17 The stability of a viscous fluid between rotating cylinders with an axial flow /
[ R.C.DiPrima ] / J. Fluid Mech.
18 Rotating Reverse Osmosis: Effect of Operating Conditions /
[ S.Lee;R.M.Lueptow ] / AlChE 2002 Annual Meeting
19 A study on dynamic separation of silica slurry using a rotating membrane filter: 2. Modelling of cake formation /
[ C.K.Choi;J.Y.Park;P.W.C.;J.J.Kim ] / J. Membrane Sci   DOI   ScienceOn
20 Membrane separation processes for clean production /
[ D.Paul;K.Ohlrogge ] / Environ. Progress   DOI
21 Prediction of mass transfer in spatially periodic systems /
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23 An Experimental Study of Ma Transfer in Rotating Couette Flow with Low Axial Reynolds number /
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28 Chaotic mixing and transport in wavy Taylor Couette flow /
[ A.Akonur;R.M.Lueptow ] / Physica D   DOI   ScienceOn
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[ G.Baier ] / Liquid-liquid extraction based on a new flow pattern: two fluid Taylor-Couette flow computational fluid dynamics
30 The electrochemical method in transport phenomena /
[ T.Mizushina ] / Adv. Heat Transfer   DOI
31 Particle-fluid velocities and fouling in rotating filtration of a suspension /
[ S.T.Wereley;A.Akonur;R.M.Lueptow ] / Journal of Membrane Science   DOI   ScienceOn
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33 A novel RO membrane technique based on Taylor-Couette flow for scale control in water desalination /
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[ R.W.Lueptow ] / Research Proposal, Grant # NAG 9-1053
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42 Design parameters for rotating cylindrical filtration /
[ J.Schwille;D.Mitra;R.M.Lueptow ] / J. Membrane Sci   DOI
43 Space Mission Wastewater Recovery System Using Rotating Reverse Osmosis: Process Simulation /
[ S.Lee;R.M.Lueptow ] / 32nd International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES)
44 Control of Scale Formation in Reverse Osmosis by Membrane Rotation /
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46 Rotating Membrane Water Purification for Long-Term Human Presence in Space /
[ R.W.Lueptow ] / Research Proposal, Grant # NAG 9-1053
47 Rotating Membrane Water Purification for Long-Term Human Presence in Space /
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48 Experimental Verification of a Model for Rotating Reverse Osmosis /
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[ R.W.Lueptow ] / Final Report, Final Report Grant # NAG 9-1053
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[ S.Chandrasekhar ] / Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability
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[ V.L.Snoeyink;D.Jenkins ] / Water Chemistry
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[ R.M.Lueptow ] / Fluid mechanics of a rotating filter separator
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[ S.Lee;R.M.Lueptow ] / 12th International Couette Taylor Workshop
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[ F.Coeuret;J.Legrand ] / Elecrochimica Acta   DOI   ScienceOn
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