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The Characteristics and Tasks of Park Yong-gil's Letter 'To You' Collection  

Oh, Myung Jin (사단법인 늦봄문익환기념사업회, 한국외대 정보.기록학과)
Publication Information
The Korean Journal of Archival Studies / v., no.72, 2022 , pp. 205-239 More about this Journal
Park Yong-gil's personal letter 'To You' collection is a valuable historical document that contains aspects of modern and contemporary Korea, managed by the Late Spring Moon Ik-Hwan Memorial Foundation. These letters were written for about 10 years and 3 months, and there are currently about 2,304 letters left, and support is needed to secure social feasibility for long-term preservation of historical materials and to establish a stable record management system. The purpose of this article is to introduce Park Yong-gil's letter, which has not been introduced in earnest, to the archival community, and to comprehensively review the whole story and examine the tasks. To this end, the meaning of the letter in Park Yong-gil's personal life was examined, and the value of this letter was particularly highlighted in terms of being a letter written as a part of Okbaraji. And by investigating and analyzing the status of the archives, the internal and external characteristics of the letter were comprehensively analyzed. The characteristics of Park Yong-gil's letter identified as a result of the study are that it is a letter sent to one person, and it is accumulated with a considerable amount and aggregation. In particular, it is expected to have a diverse user base in that it is easy to empathize with because it contains the familiar subject matter of letters and the stories of contemporaries, and contains a variety of informational values about contemporary events and people. Based on these historical and cultural values and various useful values of the letter 'To you', various research and development of services should be made in the future.
Personal records; Personal letter; characteristics of prison letters; Park Yong-gil; Moon Ik-hwan;
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