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A Study on the Profitability Enhancement of SI Business in Public and Finance Sector  

Joo, Jeong-Soo (SK C&C)
Jahng, Jung-Joo (Seoul National University, College of Business Administration)
Cho, Hurn-Jin (Seoul National University, College of Business Administration)
Publication Information
Information Systems Review / v.12, no.1, 2010 , pp. 165-188 More about this Journal
Recently public and finance SI (system integration) industry is called as 4D (difficult, dangerous, dirty, dreamless) industry because of low profit, overtime works and poor motivation of employees. Even some people think at SI industry to be a labor intensive industry instead of a high technology industry. The current study considers outside environmental change of SI industry as well as inside capability enhancement of SI companies. The study adopted action research method with the author's expertise and experiences as a head of a major SI company in Korea. The current research framework suggests 5 areas of profitability enhancement that offers propositions and implications. 5 areas of profitability enhancement are (1) policy improvement, (2) business portfolio innovation (3) sales capability reinforcement, (4) delivery capability reinforcement, and (5) cost management innovation. The five areas include 11 propositional factors and 21 implementation plans which were chosen from the profitability perspectives of SI companies.In order to successfully execute propositions and implementation plans of the framework, 3 years is needed and after 3 years profitability are expected to increase 10% higher than the current level. The framework, propositions and suggestions in this study are expected to offer a real contribution for SI companies that want to enhance competitiveness and profitability. Future extension of the current study to benchmarking the competitiveness and profitability between local companies and global companieswill bring a solid attention from industry and academics.
SIbusiness Profitability; Public and Finance Business; Profitability/productivity Enhancement;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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