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Design of High Speed Spindle for 5-Axis Machining Equipment Equipped with Piezo-Electric Load Sensoring  

Choi, Hyun-Jin (대구기계부품연구원)
Park, Chul-Woo (대구기계부품연구원)
Jang, Eun-Sil (대구기계부품연구원)
Kim, Chung-Hyun (디엠씨 주식회사)
Choi, Seong-Dae (금오공과대학교 기계공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers / v.10, no.5, 2011 , pp. 20-25 More about this Journal
In this paper, we reviewed the spindle system's motor and bearing and its mode safety for optimal design of a high speed spindle system that exceeds DmN value of 1,500,000. We could verify that it has a separation margin during critical speed by performing critical speed analysis. Also, we have selected an optimal sensoring installation location and actually manufactured & installed the sensor by identifying the stress concentration position in the axial load through finite element analysis to install the built-in piezo electric type load sensor to the spindle housing that can measure and monitor the machining load during high speed rotation of the spindle. Reproducibility is also verified by calibrating the error through the sensor's sensitivity adjustment after comparing the output between the plate dynamoneters and the load sensor to confirm the reproducibility of the load sensor.
Load Sensor; Piezo-Electric; High Speed Spindle; Machining Tool; Critical Speed Map;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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