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Expectations on Post-college Housing and Parental Supports of Workforce Entry Preparers from Non-Capital Regions  

Lee, Hyun-Jeong (Dept. of Housing & Interior Design, Chungbuk Natl. Univ.)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean housing association / v.25, no.3, 2014 , pp. 155-164 More about this Journal
The purpose of the study was to explore expectations of workforce entry preparers from non-capital regions on post-college housing and financial support from their parents. From July 26 to August 8, 2013, an on-line questionnaire survey was conducted to juniors and seniors in colleges nationwide and 692 useable responses were collected from college students who were from non-capital regions. Findings from this study are summarized as follows: (1) About 44% of the respondents expected to live apart from their parents and other relatives within two years from their college graduation and 48% of them expected to live in Seoul Metropolitan Area; (2) among those who expected to live apart from their parents and other relatives, 61% expected to be monthly renters; 75% expected to live in small-sized units such as studios; 85% expected parental support to afford post-college housing costs; (3) female respondents, younger respondents and/or respondents with a greater parent income showed more stronger expectation on parental support to afford housing costs; and (4) most respondents perceived influence of housing cost burden strong enough to affect their job choices.
Non-Capital Regions; Housing Expectation; Financial Support from Parents; Post-College Housing; Workforce Entry Preparers;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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