1 |
A Field Study of Occupant Comfort and Office Thermal Environments in a Hot-Humid Climate.
DeDear,R.J.;M.Fountain.(et al.)
] /
Final Report on ASHRAE RP-702.
2 |
Field Experiments on Occupant Comfort and Office Thermal Environments in a Hot-Humid Climate.
deDear, R.J.;M. Fountain.
] /
ASHRAE Transactions.
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4 |
A Tale of Two Populations: Thermal Comfort in Air-conditioned and Naturally-Ventilated Offices in Thailand.
] /
Energy and Buildings.
5 |
Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy.
ASHRAE/ANSI Standard 55-1992
] /
6 |
] /
Thermal Comfort.
7 |
Towards a psycho- physiological Model of Thermal Perceptions.
] /
International Journal of Biometeorology 25.
8 |
Thermal Responses to the Thai Office Environment.
] /
ASHRAE Transactions.
9 |
Understanding the Adaptive Approach to Thermal Comfort,Field Studies of Thermal Comfort and Adaptation.
Humphreys, M.;Nicol F.
] /
ASHRAE Technical Data Bulletin.
10 |
] /
ASHRAE Handbook 1997 Fundamentals.
11 |
わかりやすい住宅の設備 晙
中 康孝
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Roodman,,D.(ET AL.).
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Our Buildings, Ourselves.
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