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Synthesis and Structure of Bis(ethylenediamine) cuprate(II)$\cdot$Dichromate  

Kim, Seung-Bin (Department of Bio & Nano-Chemistry, Kookmin University)
Namgung, Hae (Department of Bio & Nano-Chemistry, Kookmin University)
The crystal structure of Bis(ethylenediamine) cuprate(II)$\cdot$dichromate, $Cu(C_2H_8N_2)_2{\cdot}Cr_2O_7$, has been determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data: a=5.682(2), b=8.567(3), c=14.839(3) ${\AA},\;{\alpha}=97.50(2),\;{\beta}=101.06(1),\;{\gamma}=109.38(2)^{\circ}$ Triclinic, P-1 (SG No=2), Z=2, V=653.9(2) ${\AA}^3,\;D_c=2.030gcm^{-3},\;{\mu}=3.273mm^{-1}$. The structure was solved by Patterson method and refined by full matrix least-square methods uslng unit weights. The final R and S values were $R_1=0.0256,\;R_w=0.0708,\;R_{all}=0.0316,\;S=1.151$ for the observed 2291 reflections. The two cupper complex ion has the usual distorted octahedral structure with mean four Cu-N distances of 2.010(3) $\AA$ and the longer mean Cu-O distance of 2.525(2) $\AA$. The Cu-complex and dichromate ions are linked to form infinite chain arranged alternatively along the [111]-direction. The neighboring chains in the (0-11) plane are connected with N1-O5 and N3-O1 hydrogen bonds.
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