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A Study on Living Room Furniture Design to Promote Children's Reading - Based on The Theory of Environmental Psychology and Behavior - Focused on The 60~90 ㎡ Apartment Dwellers -  

Jeoung, Tae Yeun (Department of Industrial Design, Graduate School of Art & Design, Hanyang University)
Park, Kyung Jin (Department of Industrial Design, Hanyang University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korea Furniture Society / v.27, no.2, 2016 , pp. 111-121 More about this Journal
In the structure of modern houses, a living room is the space most frequently used by family members. In a living room, they rest, talk together, watch TV, study, read books and enjoy hobbies. A living room is furnished with a TV cabinet, a storage closet, a sofa, a bookshelf, a desk and etc. depending on the purposes of activities in it, which can be different in each house. Furniture is the required tool for indoor architectural space and humans to lead a life. In most families, a man and a woman marry each other and become man and wife, go through the honeymoon phase, give birth to one or two children and become a family with three or four members. According to the children's growth cycle from birth to infancy, early childhood, childhood, adolescence, youth and adulthood, furniture layout and kinds of furniture in a living room change. Depending on the family life cycle, most parents of young children try to help their children to form good habits of reading books and studying for their future. As for the environmental elements interrupting reading and studying, watching TV and using smart phones excessively are being regarded as problems. As the number of two-income families is increasing in this era when many women are participating in the social activities with the government's encouragement, children are having more time.
furniture; functional designing; reading habit; environmental psychology;
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  • Reference
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