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Survey Analysis for Resting Space Design of Subway Driver  

Kim, Kooksun (Department of Interior Design, Kimpo College)
Kim, Minji (Department of Interior Design, Kookmin University)
Kim, Joonghee (Department of Interior Design, Kookmin University)
Song, Jeonghyo (Department of Interior Design, Kookmin University)
Shin, Jungbae (Department of Interior Design, Kookmin University)
Yun, Jonghyun (Department of Interior Design, Kookmin University)
Choi, Boah (RootB Design)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korea Furniture Society / v.26, no.1, 2015 , pp. 61-70 More about this Journal
There is an increasing trend each year in the number of subway users due to increase in the traffic volume. As the number of train service has risen, the subway drivers are given heavy work and from the same, are put at risk of mental health deterioration due to stress. As this is directly connected to safety, there is an urgent need for improvement of the situation. Therefore, as a way to appropriately relieve such stress, resting space where mental and physical energy can be recharged is necessary. Thus, this research conducted a survey of demand with subway drivers as subjects in order to provide resting space that can offer healthy rest and increase work effectiveness. 50 subway drivers were the subjects of this survey. As a result of analyzing the contents of the survey, environmental satisfaction was shown to be the lowest compared to psychological and morphological satisfaction. In the case of sleeping room, they wanted more comfortable and individual space. And the waiting room had the highest rate of usage frequency. The storage space was where the subway drivers showed the strongest attachment and was shown to be the only personal space. Most were shown to be satisfied with the outdoor space, but it had the lowest usage frequency. In addition, it is nessasery customized storage cabinet designed for subway drivers should be produced, which can effectively arrange the limited space. I hope that these direction of improvement can increase the healthy rest and work effectiveness of the locomotive engineers as it is directly being connected to the health and safety of the citizens.
subway driver; resting space; survey;
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  • Reference
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