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Needs for Entering Graduate School of Dental Hygiene Students in Bachelor's Degree Completion Program and 4-year Course  

Lee, Min-Young (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Seo, Hye-Yeon (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Kim, Hyo-Won (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Chung, Won-Gyun (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Kim, Nam-Hee (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Journal of dental hygiene science / v.11, no.3, 2011 , pp. 199-203 More about this Journal
This study compared the needs for entering graduate school of Dental Hygiene students in Bachelor's Degree Completion Program(BDCP) and 4-year course to provide information about entering graduate school. This survey was conducted for one month from the $26^{th}$ May to the $24^{th}$ June, 2010. The collected data was analyzed using a SPSS WIN 18.0 program. More BDCP students answered that they wanted to enter graduate school (p<0.001). More BDCP students wanted to study Dental Hygiene but more of the 4-year course students wanted to study Dentistry in graduate school (p<0.001). Both groups prefer the part-time curriculum but only if it was the same as the full-time curriculum and more 4-year course students answered in this way (p<0.05). The major was the highest consideration when they choose graduate school, but the BDCP students also considered other reasons (distance, registration fee, period) (p<0.05). Most information was obtained from visiting the web-site (p>0.05). Both groups responded 'yes' to the need for development of a master's course in dental hygiene but a higher proportion of BDCP students (76.6%) answered in the affirmative (p<0.001). In conclusion, graduate schools should find the various ways to give more information to the students.
Graduate school; Master's course in dental hygiene; The bachelor's degree completion program; 4-year course;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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