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Experimental Study on Structural and Functional Characteristics of Surface-Modified Porous Membrane  

Lee, Sang Hyuk (Nuclear Equipment Qualification & Safety Research Group, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM))
Kim, Kiwoong (Department of Mechanical Engineering Hannam University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.19, no.1, 2021 , pp. 50-56 More about this Journal
With the advances in recent nanotechnology, mass transport phenomena have been receiving large attention both in academic researches and industrial applications. Nonetheless, it is not clearly determined which parameters are dominant at nanoscale mass transport. Especially, membrane is a kind of technology that use a selective separation to secure fresh water. The development of great separation membrane and membrane-based separation system is an important way to solve existing water resource problems. In this study, glass fiber-based membranes which are treated by graphene oxide (GO), poly-styrene sulfonate (GOP) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (GPS) were fabricated. Mass transport parameters were investigated in terms of material-specific and structure-specific dominance. The 3D structural information of GO, GOP, and GPS was obtained by using synchrotron X-ray nano tomography. In addition, electrostatic characteristic and water absorption rate of the membranes were investigated. As a result, we calculated internal structural information using Tomadakis-Sotrichos model, and we found that manipulation of surface characteristics can improve spacer arm effect, which means enhancement of water permeability by control length of ligand and surface charge functionality of the membrane.
Mass transport; Membrane; X-ray nano tomography; Surface modification;
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