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Characterization of Vortex Advection from a Synthetic Jet Impinging on a Wall  

Kim, MuSeong (Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
Lee, HoonSang (Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University)
Hwang, Wontae (Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University Institute of Advanced Machines and Design, Seoul National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization / v.17, no.2, 2019 , pp. 39-47 More about this Journal
Impingement cooling utilizing synthetic jets is emerging as a popular cooling technique because of its high local cooling efficiency. The interaction between the vortex structure of the synthetic jet and the surface is crucial in understanding the mechanism of this technique. In this study, the impinging vortex structure and its advection are investigated by experiments with jet-to-surface spacing $2{\leq}H/D{\leq}7$, and synthetic jet Reynolds number $5120{\leq}Re{\leq}9050$. Using phase-locked particle image velocimetry, ensemble averaged (phase averaged) flow fields are obtained, and vortex identification and quantification techniques are applied. The shape, trajectory, and intensity change of the vortex are assessed. A sharp decline in the vortex intensity and the occurrence of a counter-rotating vortex at the impingement point are observed.
Synthetic Jet; Jet Impingement; Particle Image Velocimetry; Vortex Advection;
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