The 14th International Symposium on Flow Visualization (ISFV14) was held at Daegu (Korea), June 21-24, 2010. The number of participants was 304 from 17 countries. The number of papers presentated was 243 from 19 countries. Two special lectures and four invited lectures, 48 paper sessions, and one poster session were opened in five and in a lobby for four days. Special events such as awarding "the Asanuma Award" and "the Leonardo Da Vinci Award" to the prominent contributors were also held. Photo and Movie Awards were given to three scientists for the excellences in their photos and movies. Among 48 sessions 5 sessions were on Biological Flows and on Micro/Nano Fluidics, which were the largest session number. 4 sessions were held on Compressible and Sonic Flows, and on PIV/PTV. 3 sessions were held on Swirl Flows, Image Processing, and on Industrial Applications. Other sessions on LIF, Wake and Vortex Flows, Physiological Flows, Environment Flows, Measurements Techniques, and on Reacting Flows.