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Validating the Concept of the Business Art and the Model for the Business Art Making Process: A Grounded Theory based Approach  

Park, Jiyeon (이화여자대학교 경영대학)
Kym, Hyogun (이화여자대학교 경영대학)
Suh, Hyunju (이화여자대학교 경영대학)
Publication Information
Knowledge Management Research / v.20, no.2, 2019 , pp. 155-182 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the concept of the Business Art and the validity of the Business Art making process model, as well as to confirm the creative value of art in the business environment. The research data were collected using in-depth interviews and the collected data were analyzed by applying the grounded theory. As a result of the study, various experts in the fields of business and arts evaluated the concept of the Business Art and contents of the Business Art process model as generally valid, considering that they were actually applicable in light of their own experiences. This study establishes a new theory by verifying the transferability of academic research on the new concept of the Business Art, and presents a new viewpoint different from the existing one in the relationship between business and art. Also, the implication of this study lies in that it provided the basis for establishing the method and system that apply the concept of the Business Art and its process to business in the future.
Business art; Business art making processes; Grounded theory; Qualitative research method; Knowledge creation;
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