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The Effects of Integrated Destination Personality, Self-congruity, Product Involvement in Smart Tourism City  

Yang, Shijin (경희대학교 호텔관광대학)
Hlee, Sunyoung (경희대학교 호텔관광대학)
Koo, Chulmo (경희대학교 호텔관광대학)
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Knowledge Management Research / v.20, no.1, 2019 , pp. 101-132 More about this Journal
In order to enhance the competitiveness of tourism destinations, it is important to manage tourist products considering the characteristics of tourist destinations and the characteristics of tourists. In this study, we divided Seoul's tourism products into four parts (shopping, food, culture, and natural landscape) to explore if there are some direct connections between tourism product involvement, self-congruity, and functional congruity. The other research question is if the degree of tourism product involvement reaches a certain intensity, will the place attachment be generated and the destination satisfaction be fulfilled. The survey was the focus on the international visitors in smart city, Seoul by using the random sampling and convenience sampling and collected 250 data. Finally, we found that destination personality significantly affects both self-congruity and functional congruity. If self-congruity and functional congruity are formed, tourism product involvement will be stimulated which will finally satisfy tourists and arouse their place attachment. The implications of these findings contribute to destination marketers to develop more effective destination management.
Destination personality; Self-congruity; Functional congruity; Tourism product involvement; Tourism product knowledge management;
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